WyomingHomeShow.com presents...

The 15th Annual Home and Holiday Show

Vendor Information

Register Now!
Show Rules
  1. There is to be NO sub leasing without permission from the Promoter of the show.
  2. Deposits must be made within 10 days or applications may be rejected and the vendor may have to re-apply. This show sells out and we want want to consider serious vendors only.  Booths are first come first serve. Please reserve your booth to ensure your spot.  Promoter will not guarantee booth space without receiving an application and deposit.
  3. Absolutely NO tearing down until the show is completely over. We have ended the Show an hour earlier on Sunday to allow an earlier travel time.  We appreciate your consideration.  If there are severe weather conditions we may consider closing early for the safety of all.
  4. Set up is Thursday the 12th 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM, and Friday the 13th, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
  5. All Booths must be set up by 4:00 PM on Friday November 13th. Show opens at 5:00 PM.  Check in by Friday at 8:00 AM or your space may be reassigned or resold. Check in can be a quick email or text letting me know when you will be arriving. Your booth has to be set up by 4:00 PM.
  6. Tear down is Sunday, November 15th, 3:00 - 8:00 PM (actual times TBA).
  7. If you are selling food of any kind (including pre-packaged), you must contact Sara Geffre (geffres@sweet.wy.us) at the Sweetwater County Health Department (307) 872-3930, and apply for a food license.  There is an additional fee and a copy of the license must be provided to the Show prior to set up.  You may contact the Health Department and make arrangements to have your license dropped off to you at the Show; this all must be done in advance.
  8. You can not give food or drinks away without prior permission from show promoter.  There are concessions and vendors paying booth fees to sell consumable products example popcorn, water, bake items and more. Please keep your giveaways to non food items with your name and logo on them.  All consumable give away items must have permission.
  9. Vendors are responsible to cover all tables used in the Show.
  10. The earlier you get your application in, the more advertising you will get throughout the year when we advertise the Show.
  11. No cancellation policy within 45 days of the Show - there will be NO refund given.
  12. All booths must be paid in full by September 30, 2025 a $25.00 late fee will be assessed per booth not paid in full by October 1, 2025.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  There are no refunds after this date. 50 % non-refundable deposit is required to reserve booth space.  If there is a medical emergency, with proper documentation, a full credit towards the next year's show or a refund may be issued at the discretion of the promoter.  There will be No refunds for cancellations due to the Act of God or Act of Government or event out of our control.  We will try and reschedule the event – and may issue a partial credit to future shows at the discretion of the promoter. 
  13. Promoter has the right to ask any vendor to leave for unprofessional conduct there will be no refunds if this occurs.
  14.  Please do not tape to floors or walls - we have special tape to ensure there is no damage to the walls or floor.  No nailing or stapling to floors, walls or tables you will be charged for any and all damages.  We don't charge for the use of the tables and chairs and we cannot destroy property that does not belong to us.  If you nail or staple into the table the damage fee is $300.00 payable immediately at the show.  Please do not put pins, staples or anything through the pole and drape as it causes damage.  When they are washed they unravel.  You will be charged if anything is pinned through the drape.  We try not to charge additional money for the tables, chairs, electricity or pole and drape - I would like to keep it this way however if I start incurring damage fees I will be force to increase the cost for the additional items.
  15. There is no exclusivity guaranteed at this show - however the promoter will limit the exact same businesses and may limit the number of the same type of items in the show to ensure the quality and variety of the Show.
  16. ALL BOOTH APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE at http://holiday.itsshoweasy.com. Even if you complete a hard copy the booth applications will not be considered complete until a completed on-line application and deposit is received. You will get an email upon acceptance.  You can look on the website to verify that you are a vendor (remember - booths may be reassigned if they are late!).  I am very busy at the Show and cannot be chasing booth fees.  Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Booths may be subject to be resold if not paid in full by October 1, 2025

Final booth assignments will be issued within 10 days of the show unless it is a corner booth or a larger area, and then it will be assigned upon payment. Inline booths may be moved only to accommodate not putting vendors right next to their competitors - all booths will be marked with a tent card with the business name upon arrival.

Show times November 13th- 15th, 2025 (Friday 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and Sunday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM)

I want this to be a great show. I need to make sure I get everything done early, so again - thanks for your continued loyalty and cooperation.  The earlier you get your applications in the more time I can spend on marketing and advertising the show to ensure we get the traffic we want. We can not be responsible for weather or natural disasters so please plan your travels accordingly.  Your success is the Show's success.
Vendor registration

Exhibitor registration is a two-step process. Please fill out the form and submit it for review. Within 48 hours you will receive an email (at the provided address) indicating whether or not we will be able to accommodate you at this years show. If your application is accepted the email will include instructions for paying your registration fees. If your application is denied the email will include instructions on how to revise your application should you wish to reapply.

A 50%, non-refundable deposit is required to hold a booth space.

The entire balance is due by 09/30/2025.

$25.00 late fee per booth if paid on or after 10/01/2025.

** The information you provide in these fields may appear on our website.

Booth pricing
10' x 10'
10' x 10' corner, open to two sides
Call for pricing on large corners or larger areas. Only 4 outside, large corners available.
Booth availability
You must bring your own extension cords and/or power strips.
If you need more than one outlet or something different than 110 volt, there will be a $50 surcharge.
Contact Us

Thank you for you interest in The 15th Annual Home and Holiday Show.

To contact us by email, please fill out and submit the form.

To contact us by phone, please use:

Debi Knezovich

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